1- YCMUN'23
Country: The Russian Federation
Committee: Economical and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Award: Best Delegate Award
Country: Republic of Iceland
Committee: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Award: Promising Delegate Award
3- JNAMUN'23
Rank: Vice-Chair
Committee: Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
4- JNAMUN'22
Rank: Vice-Chair
Committee: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
5- JTMUN'23
Character: Jean Lannes
Committee: Joint Crisis Committee (JCC)
Award: Outstanding Delegate Award
Character: General Griveous
Committee: Joint Crisis Committee (JCC)
Award: Best Delegate Award
7- JNAMUN'24
Rank: Chair
Committee: Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Country: İtaly
Committee: LEGAL
Award: -
9- NAMUN'24
Rank: Deputy-Secretary-General
10- NAMUN'24
Rank: Academic Assistant
Committee: Joint Crisis Committee (JCC)
11- MUNTURKEY Chair Training
Status: Passed
12- BİGMUN'24
Rank: Academic Assistant
Committee: UNODC
Character: Paul Demetrius Von Kotzebue
Committee: Crimean War (JCC)
Award: Best Delegate Award
14- TEDMUN'24
Character: Secretary of The İnterior
Committee: İranian Hostage Crisis (JCC)
Award: Best Delegate Award
15- MKFMUN'24
Rank: Academic Assistant
Committee: UN WOMEN
16- ASCMUN'24
Character: Imam Mansur
Committee: Russo-Circissian War (JCC)
Award: Best Delegate Award
17- YCMUN'24
Rank: Academic Assistant
Committee: AD-HOC (HCC and JCC)
18- AALMUN'25
Rank: Academic Assistant
Committee: Historical World Health Organization (H-WHO)
19- AALMUN'25
Character: Earl of Winchester Saer de Quincy (Chair)
Committee: Establishment of Magna Carta (JCC)
20- JTMUN'24
Character: Murad III (Chair)
Committee: The Long Turkish War (JCC)
21- MUNZ'25
Rank: Academic Assistant
Committee: The Spanish War of Succession (JCC)
22- NAMUN'25
Rank: Deputy-Secretary-General
23- NAMUN'26
Rank: Secretary-General
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