Greetings. I'm Rüzgar Karabulut. As a student in Ortaklar Science High
School with a deep knowledge, interest and passion in Politics, Military
Doctrines and Strategies, History, Diplomacy, Ideologies and learning Foreign
Languages. MUN Experiences;
-MUNAAS24' Disec (Romania)- Outstanding
Delegate Award
-This was my first MUN
-I was delegate of Romania during conference.
-My opening speech in this conference got considered as an 'Art of
Opening Speech' and got honored in the closing ceremony.
-I undoubtfully contributed a great and valuable effort in GSL's,
Motions, solutions and Resolution Paper.
-I managed to get outstanding
delegate award because of my solutions and contribution to world BWC
disarmament problem.
-MUNACS24' UNWOMEN (United Kingdom)-
Best Delegate Award -I undoubtfully contributed a great and
valuable effort in GSL's, Motions, solutions and Resolution Paper with
my knowledge, search, advanced level of English and effort considered to any
other delegate in committee.
-I managed to get Best delegate award
because of my solutions and contribution to gender
disequality problem.
-FBALMUN24' JCC: Second West Russian
War- Outstanding Delegate Award -This
was my first Crisis Committee experience.
-I was the only first timer(crisis) in my committee.
-Despite this I was one of three War Ministers during the war.
-I took charge of the biggest army group(Army Group Kazan) at the
beginning of the committee.
-I successfully lead and commanded this army in the operations of: Operation
Moscow, Operation Kharkov, Encirclement of Ukraine, and Capture of Crimean
-I used real life warfare doctrines in a war simulation as a
general during the conference and managed to get Outstanding Delegate
award with my valuable contribution. English Level; My English level is C1 according to IELTS quiz I
entered in American Culture School(Course), Aydın.