Greetings, Future Leaders!
A warm welcome from Diplomatic Youth International to our FOURTH edition of DYIMUN! With over 600 registrants from 70+ countries in our previous editions and 240+ DYIMUN Alumni, we offer a range of diversity, unlike most other conferences. With the most highly qualified Executive Board members to mentor you throughout the process, we will ensure an unforgettable experience for you! As always, we Strive for Excellence, so we will not rest until you are fully satisfied!
We hope to see you at the conference! If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at and on our Instagram @diplomaticyouthimun!
Best Regards,
Muhammad Shayan Ibrahim
Founder and Secretary-General
Diplomatic Youth International MUN
Instagram: @diplomaticyouthimun
Facebook: Diplomatic Youth International MUN
LinkedIn: Diplomatic Youth International MUN
Phone Number: +92 303 5833261
Cyber Security and Warfare
Promoting the #OnMyMind Campaign
Achieving SDG # 13: Climate Action
En etkili MUN yönetim sistemine ve sosyal MUN A??'na kat?l?n.’da MUN konferans?n?z? olu?turabilir, ba?vurular? sistem üzerinden al?p delegelerinizi çevrimiçi olarak atayabilir, ödemeleri yönetebilir, kat?l?mc?lara bildirimler, e-postalar ve do?rudan mesajlar gönderebilir, çevrimiçi sertifikalar ve ödüller olu?turup gönderebilir, kat?l?mc?lar?n?za MUN CV’lerini olu?turma ?ans? tan?yabilir, Belge Merkezi'nde belgeler yay?nlayabilir ve çok daha fazlas?n? yapabilirsiniz.