Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony will be held at Süleyman Demirel University (Lütfü Çakmacı Culture Center)
Schedule of MUN
14.00-15.00 Registration & lobbying
15.00-16.30 Opening ceremony
08.30-9:45 1st session
9:45-10:00 coffee break
10:00-11:15 2nd session
11:15- 11:30 coffee break
11:30-12:45 3rd session
12:45-13:45 lunch break
13:45-15:00 4th session
15:00-15:15 coffee break
15:15-16:30-5th session
16:30-16:45 coffee break
16:45-18:00 6th session
19:00-22:00 party night
08.30-9:45 1st session
9:45-10:00 break
10:00-11:15 2nd session
11:15- 11:30 coffee break
11:30-12:45 3rd session
12:45-13:45 lunch break
13:45-15:00 4th session
16.30- 18:30 closing ceremony
Schedule of JMUN
14.00-15.00 Registration & lobbying
15.00-16.30 Opening ceremony
8.30-9.30 First Session
9.30-9.45 Coffee Break
9.45-10.45 Second Session
10.45-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.00 Third Session
12.00-13.00 Lunch Break
13.00-14.00 Forth Session
14.00-14.15 Coffee Break
14.15-15.15 Fifth Session
15.15-15.30 Coffee Break
17.00-18.00 Sixth Session
8.30-9.30 Seventh Session
9.30-9.45 Coffee Break
9.45-10.45 Eighth Session
10.45-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.00 Ninth Session
12.00-13.00 Lunch Break
13.00-14.00 Tenth Session
16.30-18.30 Closing Ceremony
Promotion of Quality Education for All:
Addressing challenges in ensuring access to quality education for all, including marginalized groups.
Discussing strategies to improve educational systems globally and enhance inclusivity.
Children's Rights in Armed Conflicts:
Discussing the impact of armed conflicts on the rights and well-being of children.
Exploring strategies to protect children in conflict zones and promote their rights.
Promoting Political Stability in Post-Conflict Zones:
Analyzing strategies to foster political stability in regions affected by conflict.
Discussing the role of the United Nations and other international organizations in post-conflict reconstruction.
Advancing Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment:
Explore ways to address gender disparities, promote women's economic empowerment, and enhance gender equality in various sectors.
En etkili MUN yönetim sistemine ve sosyal MUN A??'na kat?l?n.’da MUN konferans?n?z? olu?turabilir, ba?vurular? sistem üzerinden al?p delegelerinizi çevrimiçi olarak atayabilir, ödemeleri yönetebilir, kat?l?mc?lara bildirimler, e-postalar ve do?rudan mesajlar gönderebilir, çevrimiçi sertifikalar ve ödüller olu?turup gönderebilir, kat?l?mc?lar?n?za MUN CV’lerini olu?turma ?ans? tan?yabilir, Belge Merkezi'nde belgeler yay?nlayabilir ve çok daha fazlas?n? yapabilirsiniz.