Esteemed Delegates,
It is with great excitement and honor to extend you our sincere welcome to MUNIC'25! This year we proudly present a diverse range of committees appealing to all kinds of interests. Our committees are UNWOMEN, WHO, UNCND, DISEC, SPECPOL, NAC, ICJ and Roman Senate. Our experienced academic team will make sure that you have the most wonderful experience. On the other hand our organisation team is working hard to provide everything you need during the conference including fun times and surprises! Mark your calendars and prepare to be part of someting extraordinary on 20-21-22-23rd of January. Together we will expand our critical thinking skills, collaboration skill while getting to know the world better. We are expecting your participation to conference excitedly. We are determined to make this conference an unforgettable experience. Untill we meet again, take great care of yourselves.
Regards, MUNIC Family.
Lotus-Bozkurt Case
Nuclear Waste Management and Fallout Prevention
the Vaccine Hesitancy and Misonformation
Reassessment of NATO's Political Strategy in the Poles
Minimising the Usage and Enchancing Prescription Policies for Narcotic Prescriptions
En etkili MUN yönetim sistemine ve sosyal MUN Ağı'na katılın.’da MUN konferansınızı oluşturabilir, başvuruları sistem üzerinden alıp delegelerinizi çevrimiçi olarak atayabilir, ödemeleri yönetebilir, katılımcılara bildirimler, e-postalar ve doğrudan mesajlar gönderebilir, çevrimiçi sertifikalar ve ödüller oluşturup gönderebilir, katılımcılarınıza MUN CV’lerini oluşturma şansı tanıyabilir, Belge Merkezi'nde belgeler yayınlayabilir ve çok daha fazlasını yapabilirsiniz.