Bursa Social Sciences High School’s Model United Nations Subcommittee (officially known as MUNSO) is an official student subcommittee responsible for the administration and organization of Model-UN related activities within our school. MUNSO Subcommittee has actively been operating under Bursa Social Sciences High School ever since its foundation in 2018.
By defining some of the topics in the United Nations program, students are allowed to negotiate these issues and reach a solution, providing that they take into account the policy of the country they represent, using the United Nations procedure and official colloquial language. In this study, where participation is documented and active participation is rewarded, participating students are expected to use and develop the language or languages identified within the conference in real-life conditions.
Q: What is the official language of the conference? A: The official language of the MUNSO Conference is English.
Q: What do you do at the Model UN conferences? A: Students serve as delegates at the conferences, representing the interests of a different country on mock United Nations committees. Every delegate represent different countries. The ultimate goal at the conferences is for the delegates to write resolutions that try to solve many of the global problems facing countries around the world.
Q: Which MUN procedure will the conference follow? A: MUNSO 2021 will follow the Harvard procedure.
Q: Is there a dress code for MUNSO 2021? A: The dress code for the conference is formal business attire.
Business attire includes Suits, dresses, long skirts, blouses or sweaters, blazers, slacks. Q: Who can participate in MUNSO 2021 conference? A: Only high school students and above can attend MUNSO 2021.
Q: Do I need previous experience to participate? A: No, delegates are not required to have previous experience.
Q: How do you prepare for the conferences? A: Students begin by selecting which committee they will serve on and learning more about the topics that that committee addresses. Once they have a basic understanding of the issues, they research the position of the specific country that the delegation is representing on those issues. Finally, students write a position paper summarizing their country's interests.
En etkili MUN yönetim sistemine ve sosyal MUN Ağı'na katılın. MUNPoint.com’da MUN konferansınızı oluşturabilir, başvuruları sistem üzerinden alıp delegelerinizi çevrimiçi olarak atayabilir, ödemeleri yönetebilir, katılımcılara bildirimler, e-postalar ve doğrudan mesajlar gönderebilir, çevrimiçi sertifikalar ve ödüller oluşturup gönderebilir, katılımcılarınıza MUN CV’lerini oluşturma şansı tanıyabilir, Belge Merkezi'nde belgeler yayınlayabilir ve çok daha fazlasını yapabilirsiniz.