TBMUN is a Model United Nations Conference organized by the students of TED Bodrum College Model United Nations club every year. TBMUN’21 is the 4th time where delegates from all around the world are going to come together in order to discuss and try finding solutions to common world problems. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are unfortunately not able to host the conference in Bodrum, but we are still very excited to host it online with delegates all around the globe. This year we are going to have three committees, two of them being General Assembly committees and the other being a crisis committee. UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) with the topic ‘combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance’, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) for our junior delegates with the topic ‘fashion industries implication on the environment’, and our Joint Cabinet Crisis, ‘Pablo Escobar: Grande Mission’. As the executive team we are really excited to host you in this prestigious conference.
*We will be sharing videos and photographs from the conference every delegate who had applied to TBMUN'21 has officially accepted and acknowledge that term.