The Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL) addresses critical
issues concerning international peace, security, and human rights. Statelessness, which
affects millions worldwide, poses significant challenges to individuals and states alike, as
stateless people often face barriers to accessing basic rights such as education, healthcare,
and legal protection. This agenda seeks to establish a global framework for the protection of
stateless people, aiming to enhance cooperation among nations, ensure the recognition of
fundamental human rights, and promote sustainable solutions to reduce statelessness
through legal and policy reforms. Addressing this pressing issue is essential for advancing
global justice and upholding human dignity.
Under Secretary General: Dervışan Savaş
Academic Assistant: İpeksu Kaya
The United Nations agency working to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable.The Who was established in April 7, 1948, and formally began its work on September 1, 1948. In this conference we have two significant agendas first is the Preventing Misuse of Mental Health Medication and Transforming Mental Health for All. This topic highlights two critical aspects of mental health care.Responsibly managing medications and creating a more inclusive, effective system for everyone’s mental well-being.The second Agenda is Reducing the Global Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) For this agenda focuses on addressing and reducing the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections worldwide by implementing preventive, educational, and medical strategies that prioritize public health and safety. The high global incidence of STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS, is a major public health concern, affecting millions annually and contributing to other health complications, including infertility and increased vulnerability to other infections.
Under Secretary General: Pelin Onat
Academic Assistant: Ahmet Ozan Yılmaz
The International Labour Organization (ILO), dedicated to promoting social justice and
internationally recognized human and labor rights, upholds its founding belief that social
justice is essential for universal and lasting peace. As the only tripartite U.N. agency, the ILO
has, since 1919, brought together governments, employers, and workers from 187 Member
States to establish labor standards, develop policies, and create programs that promote
decent work for all women and men.
Under Secretary General: Balakaan Başak, Burak Eren Ceyhan
Academic Assistant: İpek Özer
The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the United States Congress, with the
United States Senate being the upper chamber. Together they compose the federal bicameral
legislature of the United States. The creation and powers of the House are established by
Article One of the United States Constitution. The House of Representatives consists of 435
elected Representatives who represent the people of their specific districts for two year terms.
As the lower chamber of the Congress the House has exclusive power including initiating all
federal revenue and tax legislation, impeaching federal officers including Justices of the
Supreme Court and the President of the United States and they carry the same legislative
power as United States Senate on all proposed legislations.
In the committee of ours, participants will be representing their citizens and will of the people
agendas on Capital and Corporate Gains Taxes, Federal Student Debt Plan and policy
changes on Banking Industry. Representatives will debate and vote upon legislation with the
United States Senate committee and will be reviewing legislation referred from the United
States Senate.
“Nothing happens in the House of Representatives, if there is no demand from outside the
Luis Gutierrez
Under Secretary General: Göktuğ Şirin
The United States Senate is the upper chamber of the United States Congress, with the House
of Representatives being the lower chamber. Together they compose the federal bicameral
legislature of the United States. The composition and powers of the United States Senate are
established by Article One of the United States Constitution. Each of the 50 States is
represented by two senators who serve staggered terms of six years. As the upper chamber of
Congress, the Senate has several powers of advice and consent. These include approval of
international treaties, confirmation of executive nominations by the President and conducting
impeachment trials and reaching a verdict on whether or not the federal official in question
should be removed from office.
In this committee of ours, participants will be representing their States as their Senators and
defend their State’s on agendas such as State autonomy against Federal Government,
Congressional Term Limits, Regulations on Federal Law Enforcement Agencies and Status of
the National Guards. Senators will debate and vote upon legislation with the House of
Representatives committee and will be evaluating legislation referred from the House of
“We took pride in belonging to the world’s most exclusive club; the United States Senate”
Harry S. Truman
Under Secretary General: Asmin Nupel Akıncı
Academic Assistant: Atakan Duman
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military organization that seeks collective
defense among its member states and international peace; it was founded in 1942.
The agenda item for this year's edition of NATO is the Syrian Civil War that had taken place
for a long time in the Middle East, was interfered with by many actors, and caused a vital
international crisis. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation would take place in history and
will try to maintain peace in the Middle East.
Under Secretary General: Alperen Arifoğlu
Academic Assistant: Hayat Yağmur Avtan
The International Court of Justice is the main judicial organ of the United Nations. Its primary functions are to settle legal disputes between states under international law and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.
On 2 November 1992, the Islamic Republic of Iran filed the Application instituting proceedings before the Court against the United States of America with regard to the alleged destruction of three Iranian offshore oil production complexes. The judges of the ICJ will decide on the merits in accordance with the Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights.
Under Secretary General: Aydan Seyidaliyeva, Betül Sena Adsoy
It is the early 1900s and the world is about to erupt into a global conflict. The rising superpower of the world, Germany, has been advancing in every category, ranging from economy to industry, culture to technology, social rights and more. Of course, not to be unnoticed by their neighbours, namely the French, the Russians and the British, Germany must protect their position and reinforce their stance with their unique yet known policy: Weltpolitik.
The committee consists of the Reichstag, the Bundesrat, and the Oberste Heeresleitung, in order the Imperial Diet (Lower House), the Federal Council (Higher House), and the Supreme Army Command. The Imperial Diet must provide the nation with the required legislations and acts, while the Federal Council must approve them if they are fit towards national interests, and the Supreme Army Command must regulate the possible conflict which may or may not occur throughout the years, as well as keep internal affairs under supervision. These three entities must work in unison to control the vast ambitions of the Empire and feed the German War Machine.
Lower House: Reichstag (Imperial Diet)
Upper House: Bundesrat (Federal Council)
High Command: OHL / Oberste Heeresleitung (Supreme Army Command)
Under Secretary General: Görkem Can Coşkun, Bora Oğuz
En etkili MUN yönetim sistemine ve sosyal MUN A??'na kat?l?n.’da MUN konferans?n?z? olu?turabilir, ba?vurular? sistem üzerinden al?p delegelerinizi çevrimiçi olarak atayabilir, ödemeleri yönetebilir, kat?l?mc?lara bildirimler, e-postalar ve do?rudan mesajlar gönderebilir, çevrimiçi sertifikalar ve ödüller olu?turup gönderebilir, kat?l?mc?lar?n?za MUN CV’lerini olu?turma ?ans? tan?yabilir, Belge Merkezi'nde belgeler yay?nlayabilir ve çok daha fazlas?n? yapabilirsiniz.